In 2001, Clamp, a important four females Japanese Manga/cartoon creative group, brought their 1999 Manga, Kidou Tenshi Angelic Layer to the USA under the alias Angelic Layer. Angelic Layer is about a 12 year old child, Misaki Suzuhara, who just relocates to Tokyo (for what reason you would not discover till later but anyways). She notices two figures battling on a big screen in the city fighting it out in an ring known as Angelic Layer. She turns interested in this and wants to picked herself. She meets this fellow covered in a physician uniform named Icchan (Mr. Icchan), who seems to already know quite a bit about her, teaches her the groundwork of the sport. After knowing the game she wins her original ranked match and is picked to selected in a tournament where she can meet one of her rivals and soon to be friend.
Later on she finds herself becoming very talented at this activity like it was always in her blood to play this sport, and to find out that a very influential person to her has been the dominator of this game for some time, her mom. Misaki and her mom fight it out in an grand battle that is filled with emotion, determination, and glorification.
Overall, this anime represents that no matter how huge or tiny you are, overcoming the hardest obstacles can be achieved as long as you believe in yourself and your abilities. This cartoon hits the hearts of every growing teen facing hardships in their life.
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